Le Logis Alexandra
Maison de Charme
Gite des Groupes de Grande Capacité
Réservez Le Logis Alexandra pour
toutes vos célébrations !
Pour vos anniversaires, fiançailles, anniversaires de mariage ou réunions
d’anciens élèves et toutes réunions de famille.
Vous pourrez aussi réserver Le Logis Alexandra pour d'autres célébrations tel que
Noël, Saint Sylvestre et Pâques......et bien sûr pour des jours fériés !
Si vous avez 32 amis, ou membres de famille, Le Logis Alexandra est
un lieu de réunion idéal pour vos fêtes.
Si vous désirez réserver un séjour de groupe, veuillez contacter Alexandra directement.


Le Logis "Alexandra "
Consider Le Logis for your upcoming events this year - for birthdays,
engagements, wedding anniversaries or school reunions.
If you have 32 friends, or family members, then Le Logis Alexandra is absolutely ideal for your group-stay venue.
Formerly the "Hôtel de la Paix" in the beautiful riverine village of La Trimouille, Le Logis Alexandra has been transformed
into a stylish, charming, group-stay venue providing friendly and affordable accommodation for families
and groups of friends wishing to spend time exploring this wonderful area of "undiscovered" France.
We offer Le Logis Alexandra as a self-catering Group-Stay Venue or "Maison de Groupe Séjour"
for up to 32 persons (** this number is reduced if singles use double beds).
It is ideal for wedding receptions, birthdays, anniversaries. reunions and other celebrations or get-togethers as
you can self-cater using our huge commercial kitchen - these self-catering facilites can also be made available
for functions, cooking courses & special events (ie without accommodation).
For further details please email Alexandra (always preferable) or call +33 665 398 980

The Place - just in front of the Mairie (the Town Hall) which is just in front of Le Logis.

The village band "Lyre Trimouillonaise" walking home after a "gig" on the square.

Doors at Le Logis open onto the street on summer evenings

The chambres (suites and bedrooms) are on the first and second floor - the public areas are on the ground floor.

Suite George Sand is on the first floor - Suite Anatole France on the floor above.

Walking towards the square with Le Logis on the right.
Countryside France